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dihsk brahk lee-vuhrz

noun, verb

The lever used to control the disc brakes on a bicycle.

Example usage: Be sure to press the disc brake levers firmly when you stop.

Most used in: Mountain biking, road racing, and other cycling disciplines.

Most used by: Cyclists who prefer to use disc brakes on their bikes.

Popularity: 8

Comedy Value: 3

Also see: brake lever, disc brake lever, disc brake shifter, disc brake caliper,


What are Disc Brake Levers?

Disc brake levers are an important component of a cyclist’s bike. They are levers that actuate the disc brakes, which are used to slow the bike down and provide control to the rider. Disc brakes are increasingly becoming the norm in cycling, with them being a standard feature on most new performance and mountain bikes.

Disc brakes provide greater stopping power than traditional rim brakes, which have been in use for many years. Disc brakes are also less affected by wet or muddy conditions, further improving their effectiveness and control. As a result, they are becoming increasingly popular in the cycling community.

Disc brake levers are typically mounted on the handlebars of a bike, and are operated by the cyclist’s hands. They are usually connected to the disc brakes via a cable or hydraulic line. When the brake levers are pulled, they actuate the disc brakes, which cause the bike to slow down.

Disc brakes are becoming increasingly popular in cycling, with an estimated 80% of new performance and mountain bikes being fitted with them. This is due to their superior braking power, as well as their increased reliability and control in wet and muddy conditions. As a result, disc brake levers are an essential component of any cyclist’s bike.


The Origin of Disc Brake Levers in Cycling

Disc brake levers, also known as cantilever brakes, were first used in the early 20th century in France. The earliest known example of a disc brake lever was designed by Paul de Vivie, a French cyclist who lived from 1853 to 1930. The lever was designed to be attached to a bicycle frame and used to slow the bike down by pressing against the wheel rim.

The design of the disc brake lever was further improved upon in the 1940s by the French bicycle company Peugeot. Peugeot's design used two levers, one on each side of the wheel, that were connected to the frame and allowed for greater stopping power. This design became known as the cantilever brake and was widely used by cyclists around the world.

Today, disc brake levers are still used in cycling, but they have been improved upon and adapted to meet the needs of modern cyclists. They are available in a variety of sizes and materials and can be used on both road and mountain bikes. Disc brakes are known for their superior stopping power and are becoming increasingly popular among cyclists.

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