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Noun, Verb

Lolly-Pop: A sudden, explosive burst of effort usually out of the saddle.

Example usage: Let's lolly-pop out of the corner and get up this hill quickly.

Most used in: Cycling circles in the United Kingdom.

Most used by: Road cyclists.

Popularity: 8/10

Comedy Value: 6/10

Also see: Drafting, Slipstreaming, Wheelsucking, Paceline,


What is a Lolly-Pop in Cycling?

A lolly-pop is an informal term used in the cycling community to refer to a short climb followed by a fast, steep descent. It is used to describe a particular type of terrain, usually found on a hilly route or cyclocross course. The term is thought to have originated in the United Kingdom, where riders would often carry lollipops in their pockets for a quick energy boost.

The term is used to describe a particular kind of terrain, usually found on a hilly route or cyclocross course. It is characterized by a fast, steep descent following a short climb. It is a popular route for cyclists to take, as the descent can often provide a rush of adrenaline and a feeling of exhilaration.

It is estimated that 60% of cyclists prefer to take a lolly-pop route, as opposed to a flat route, when given the choice. This is because the short climb followed by the fast descent can often be more enjoyable and exciting than a flat route.

Lolly-pop routes are popular among cyclists of all levels, from beginners to advanced riders. They provide a fun challenge and can be a great way to mix up a regular route. So if you're looking for a bit of excitement on your next ride, why not try a lolly-pop route?

Lolly-Pop: The Sweet Origin of a Cycling Term

The term 'Lolly-Pop' is widely used in the cycling world to refer to a long, gradual climb. It has been used since at least the late 1980s, when it was first used in the UK.

The origin of the term is uncertain, though it is likely to have come from the shape of the road when plotted on a map. The climb resembles a lollipop, with the 'stick' of the lollipop being the flat section at the start and the 'sweet' being the gradual climb at the end.

The term is believed to have been used by British cyclists and is now widely used in the international cycling community. It is used to describe any climb that is long and gradual, rather than steep and short.

So the next time you hear someone talking about a 'Lolly-Pop' climb, you'll know exactly what they mean!

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