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Noun, Verb

Paceline Racing is a type of Time Trial cycling where riders draft off each other to reduce air resistance.

Example usage: 'We'll be doing paceline racing for the next leg of the Time Trial.'

Most used in: North America and Europe, where Time Trial races are popular.

Most used by: Professional and amateur Time Trial cyclists.

Popularity: 8/10

Comedy Value: 4/10

Also see: Drafting, Slipstreaming, Peloton, Echelon,


What is Paceline Racing in the Context of Time Trial Cycling?

Paceline racing is a term used to describe a type of time trial cycling which involves multiple riders drafting off each other in a line, or 'paceline'. The riders in the paceline take turns leading the line and providing a draft for the other riders, allowing them to save energy and improve their overall speed. The lead rider is the first to switch out from the front of the line, and the process continues along the paceline.

Paceline racing is a popular strategy for time trial cyclists due to its efficiency. Studies have shown that drafting can save a cyclist up to 30-40% of their energy expenditure, allowing them to achieve faster times with less effort. In addition, the drafting effect of a paceline can also increase the speed of the group by up to 20%.

Paceline racing is a great way to improve your speed and efficiency in a time trial. Not only does it allow you to save energy, but it also gives you the opportunity to push yourself and work together with other cyclists to maximize your performance.


The Origin of Paceline Racing

Paceline racing is a type of cycling time trial race, in which riders form a line, or 'paceline,' and take turns leading the group, with each rider drafting off the one in front to conserve energy. The term “paceline racing” was first used in the United States in the 1960s, and had its origins in the military's use of the formation during World War II.

The term “paceline” is derived from the military’s usage of the formation, which was first used in the United States in the 1940s. It was used by the Army Air Corps to refer to a formation of airplanes flying in close proximity. The term was later adapted for use in cycling and was first used in the 1960s, as a form of time trial racing.

Paceline racing is a popular form of time trial racing, in which riders form a line, or “paceline,” and take turns leading the group, with each rider drafting off the one in front to conserve energy. The sport has since grown in popularity, with competitions held in countries around the world. Paceline racing is a great way to improve cycling performance, and is an exciting and competitive form of racing.

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