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Pedd-ul Whip

Noun, Verb

Pedal whip is when a cyclist quickly pushes down on the pedals.

Example usage: I gave it a pedal whip and raced ahead of the pack.

Most used in: Mountain biking and track cycling.

Most used by: Experienced cyclists.

Popularity: 8/10

Comedy Value: 6/10

Also see: cadence, spin, crank, torque,


What is Pedal Whip?

Pedal whip is a technique used in cycling to quickly increase the speed of a bicycle. It is done by pushing down on the pedals in a sudden, powerful motion and then quickly releasing the pressure. This technique is used to gain quick bursts of speed and can be especially useful when racing or trying to gain an advantage over other cyclists.

Pedal whip is an important skill for cyclists to learn and practice. It requires good timing and coordination to be successful. Statistics show that cyclists who are able to consistently execute pedal whip are more likely to be successful in races or other competitive cycling events.

To practice pedal whip, cyclists should find a flat, open area with no traffic and practice pushing down on the pedals with force and then quickly releasing the pressure. This will help them develop strong muscle memory and the coordination needed to execute the technique correctly.

Pedal whip is an important technique for any cyclist to learn and practice. It can help to give cyclists an extra burst of speed in races and other competitive events, and can be a great advantage when trying to beat out other cyclists.

The Origin of the Cycling Term 'Pedal Whip'

The term 'pedal whip' was first used in the 1990s in the United States of America. It was used to describe a trick in which a cyclist would use their pedals to propel themselves up a ramp or obstacle. It has since become a popular trick used by cyclists around the world.

The trick was invented by BMX riders in the USA and quickly spread to other countries. The term 'pedal whip' was first used in the BMX magazine 'Ride BMX' in the late 1990s. It has since become a popular term among cyclists and is used to describe any trick involving the use of pedals.

The term 'pedal whip' has become an integral part of the cycling vocabulary and is used by cyclists around the world. It is a testament to the creativity of BMX riders and the evolution of cycling tricks over the years.

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