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rev-uh-loo-shuhns pur min-it

Noun, Noun phrase

The number of times a bicycle wheel rotates in one minute.

Example usage: I need to increase my revolutions per minute if I want to improve my speed.

Most used in: Cycling circles around the world.

Most used by: Professional and amateur cyclists.

Popularity: 8 out of 10.

Comedy Value: 5 out of 10.

Also see: Cadence, Pedaling Rate, Pedal RPM, Crank RPM,

Understanding Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) in Cycling

Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) is a metric used to measure the speed of a cyclist while pedaling. RPM is calculated by measuring the number of times the crank of the bike rotates in a minute.

RPM is an important metric for cyclists to monitor, as it is a direct indicator of how much power they are generating. The higher the RPM, the more power a cyclist is generating, and the faster they will be able to ride. The average RPM for a recreational cyclist is between 50-70 RPM.

RPM is also an important metric for cyclists to measure their cadence, or pedaling speed. Cadence is the number of times a cyclist's feet complete a full revolution in a given time. A higher cadence will allow a cyclist to pedal faster and more efficiently. The average cadence for a recreational cyclist is between 80-100 RPM.

By monitoring both RPM and cadence, cyclists can ensure that they are pedaling at the optimal speed and power. This will help them to ride faster, longer, and more efficiently.

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The Origin of the Term 'Revolutions Per Minute' in Cycling

The term 'revolutions per minute' (RPM) is used to measure the rate of revolutions or cycles completed by a spinning object over a one minute period. In the context of cycling, the term was first used in the late 1800s by British cycling enthusiasts in the United Kingdom. It was used to measure the speed of a cyclist and the rate at which the pedals were being turned.

The concept of measuring RPM was widely adopted by the cycling community in the early 1900s. By the 1950s, the modern version of the term had been established, and it is still used to measure the speed and power of cyclists today.

The term 'revolutions per minute' has become increasingly important in the world of cycling due to the ever-increasing popularity of the sport. Professional cyclists use it to measure their performance and to improve their overall speed and endurance. Amateur cyclists also use RPM to measure their progress and to set goals for themselves.

The term 'revolutions per minute' has become an integral part of the cycling world, and it is now used to measure the speed of cyclists all over the world. It is a useful tool for cyclists to measure their performance and to strive for improvement.

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