A device fitted to a bicycle to protect the rider from water and mud splashing up from the road.
Example usage: 'I added a splash-guard to my bike to keep me from getting wet when I'm riding in the rain.'
Most used in: Wetter climates and areas with higher levels of precipitation.
Most used by: Commuters and recreational cyclists.
Popularity: 8/10
Comedy Value: 4/10
Also see: Mudguard, Fender, Chainguard, Skirtguard,
What is a Splash Guard in Cycling?
A splash guard is a piece of equipment used in cycling to protect the rider from water splashing up from the ground. This is especially useful in wet weather when the roads are wet and the rider is more likely to be splashed with water. Splash guards are typically made of plastic or rubber and are attached to the frame of the bicycle, usually near the wheels.
Splash guards are becoming increasingly popular among cyclists, with almost half of all cyclists in the UK (47%) using them in 2019, according to a survey by Cycling UK. This is up from 39% in 2018.
Splash guards are not only useful for wet weather, they can also help protect the rider from dirt, mud, and other debris that could be thrown up by the wheels. This helps to keep the cyclist cleaner and make their ride more enjoyable.
Splash guards are an inexpensive and easy way to improve the safety and comfort of your cycling experience. They are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to fit any style of bike.
.A Brief History of the Term 'Splash-Guard' in Cycling
The term 'splash-guard' first appeared in the early 1900s in the United States, in reference to the mudguards that cyclists would attach to their bicycles to protect themselves from dirt, mud, water, and other debris. The term was used to describe the guard that was placed on the front wheel to protect the rider from the mud and water that was thrown up by the spinning wheel.
Originally, the splash-guard was made of metal and was attached to the frame of the bicycle. Over time, the splash-guard evolved to become more lightweight and flexible, and was made of materials such as leather, rubber, and plastic. By the mid-1900s, the splash-guard had become a common feature on most bicycles.
Today, splash-guards are still used by cyclists to protect themselves from dirt, mud, and water. They are also used to protect the bicycle frame from damage caused by flying debris. Splash-guards come in a variety of styles and materials, and are an essential accessory for any cyclist.