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Sigh-sull-ing in wind

Noun, verb

Riding a bicycle in windy conditions.

Example usage: It was a challenge cycling in the windy conditions.

Most used in: Areas with strong winds and gusts, such as coastal regions.

Most used by: Cyclists who ride in windy conditions, such as those who live near the coast or who participate in competitive cycling.

Popularity: 8/10

Comedy Value: 4/10

Also see: Drafting, Wind Cheating, Wind Drafting, Slipstreaming,


Cycling in Wind: What You Need to Know

Cycling in wind is an unavoidable part of the sport. Whether you are a professional cyclist or an occasional hobbyist, you will eventually encounter windy conditions on your bike. Wind can be both a blessing and a curse, as it can be used to help propel you forward or slow you down depending on its direction and strength.

Wind resistance is the force that is created when wind interacts with a cyclist and their bike. This resistance increases as the speed of the cyclist increases, as the wind has more time to interact with the moving cyclist and their bike. The amount of resistance can also be affected by the direction of the wind, as a headwind will create more resistance than a tailwind.

According to studies, a headwind of 10 mph can increase the amount of energy needed to ride by up to 15%. This means that cyclists should take wind into consideration when planning their routes, as windy days can cause their rides to take longer and require more energy. Cyclists should also be aware of their environment and the direction of the wind when they are riding, as a sudden gust of wind can throw them off balance and cause an accident.

Cycling in wind can be a difficult but rewarding experience. While it can be tiring, it can also be used to help propel you forward and make your rides more efficient. With the proper preparation and awareness, you can make the most out of your rides, no matter what the wind has in store.

The Origins of the Term 'Cycling in Wind'

The term 'cycling in wind' has been used since the 19th century to describe the sport of cycling. It is believed to have originated in the United Kingdom, where it was used to refer to the practice of cyclists riding with a tail wind to achieve greater speed. This phrase was used to differentiate cyclists who were riding with the wind from those who were riding against it.

The term was used in the context of competitive cycling, where cyclists would attempt to reach the highest speeds possible. This was done by taking advantage of the wind, which would act as a form of propulsion. The phrase was also used to refer to the practice of riding in a large group, where the cyclists in the back would benefit from the air resistance created by the cyclists in front.

The term 'cycling in wind' is still used today to describe the sport of cycling, and has been adopted by many countries around the world. It is used to describe the practice of taking advantage of the wind to achieve greater speeds, as well as the practice of riding in large groups.

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