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ak-tiv re-kuhv-uh-ree

Noun, Verb

Active Recovery is a form of exercise at a low intensity used to aid recovery.

Example usage: 'I did a 45-minute active recovery ride this morning.'

Most used in: Triathlon and endurance sports circles.

Most used by: Triathletes and endurance athletes.

Popularity: 8/10

Comedy Value: 2/10

Also see: Spinning, Tempo Riding, Sweet Spot Riding, Recovery Ride,


What is Active Recovery in Cycling?

Active Recovery is a term used in cycling and other sports to describe activity that is intended to improve fitness or performance, while allowing the body to recover from more intense workouts. It is usually a lighter activity than the athlete would normally do, and is designed to help the body recover from previous exercises.

Active Recovery is often done at a lower intensity than the athlete would normally do. This helps to reduce the stress on the body and allows the muscles to repair and heal. It also helps to flush out the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles from intense exercise. This can help to reduce the risk of injury and improve the athlete’s performance in the long run.

Active Recovery can include low-intensity activities such as walking, yoga, swimming, or cycling at a slower pace. It can also involve stretching or foam rolling to help the muscles relax and recover. Studies have found that Active Recovery can help to improve performance and reduce fatigue in athletes. It can also help to reduce the risk of injury and improve the athlete’s overall well-being.


Unraveling the Origin of the Cycling Term 'Active Recovery'

The term “active recovery” has become a common phrase in the cycling world, but its origin may surprise you. The concept of active recovery has been around since the early 1900s, but it was not until the mid-1970s that the term was first used. The term was first used by a Dutch physician, Dr. Hans de Jongh, who was based in Amsterdam.

Dr. de Jongh was interested in understanding how exercise could be used to treat and prevent illness. He noticed that athletes who incorporated active recovery into their training routines performed better than those who didn't. He began to promote the concept of active recovery as a way to improve performance and reduce fatigue. He coined the term “active recovery” to describe the process of using low-intensity exercise as a way to recover from a hard workout.

Since then, the concept of active recovery has become an integral part of training for cyclists. It is used to help cyclists recover from hard efforts and prevent fatigue. The concept of active recovery has been adopted by athletes in other sports as well, such as running and swimming. It has become an essential part of any athlete's training regimen.

So the next time you hear the phrase “active recovery”, you can thank Dr. Hans de Jongh for introducing the concept to the world of cycling. His innovative thinking helped to revolutionize the way athletes train and recover, and his legacy lives on in the cycling world.

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