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A cycling technique where the rider alternates between hard and easy efforts.

Example usage: I like to practice uneven-pacing when I'm training for a race.

Most used in: Cycling circles in Europe.

Most used by: Professional and competitive cyclists.

Popularity: 8/10

Comedy Value: 2/10

Also see: Interval Training, Fartlek, Pyramid Intervals, Tempo Training,


What is Uneven-Pacing in Cycling?

Uneven-pacing is a term used to describe a cycling technique that involves varying the amount of effort put into each pedal stroke. This technique is used to improve performance and increase speed, but it is also used to conserve energy over longer distances. Uneven-pacing involves varying the amount of effort put into each pedal stroke, such as pushing hard on one stroke and then taking a lighter stroke the next. This technique has been found to be very effective in improving cycling performance.

Research has shown that cyclists who use uneven-pacing are able to maintain a higher average speed than those who maintain even-paced pedaling. Studies have also found that cyclists who use uneven-pacing are able to cover longer distances with less effort. This technique can be used in both short and long-distance rides, and is often used in competitive cycling events.

Uneven-pacing is a technique that has been used by professional cyclists for many years. It is a great way to improve performance and conserve energy, and can be used to help cyclists reach their goals. If you are looking to improve your cycling performance, then this technique is worth trying out.


The Origin of the Term 'Uneven-Pacing' in Cycling

The term 'uneven-pacing' in the context of cycling refers to the practice of changing the speed or intensity of a cyclist's pedaling during a race or ride. This technique can be used to conserve energy during long rides or to gain a competitive advantage in races. It is thought to have originated in the late 19th century in Europe.

The term first appeared in a cycling magazine in 1892, when it was used to describe the strategy of changing one's speed in order to conserve energy. This strategy was popularized in the early 20th century, particularly in France, where the Tour de France was first held in 1903. By the 1920s, the technique had spread to other countries, including the United States.

Today, uneven-pacing is a common technique used by professional and amateur cyclists alike. It is a key strategy used to increase performance and conserve energy during long rides and races. While the term itself is over a century old, the technique remains a vital part of cycling today.

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