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ay-dee-ul t-t posishun


A riding position with arms and torso bent forward and low on the bike.

Example usage: I'm trying to get into an ideal tt position on the bike.

Most used in: Road cycling and triathlon events.

Most used by: Cyclists who are looking for a more aerodynamic riding position.

Popularity: 8/10

Comedy Value: 2/10

Also see: Aero position, Aero tuck, Triathlon position, Time trial position,

What is the Ideal TT Position for Cyclists?

The ideal Time Trial (TT) position is a cyclist's most aerodynamic form, and is used when competing in a race against the clock. This position is designed to reduce the wind resistance that the rider has to overcome, allowing them to move faster and with less effort.

To achieve this ideal TT position, a cyclist must align their body in a way that minimizes drag and maximizes efficiency. This is achieved by tucking the chin, dropping the chest, keeping the elbows close to the torso, and pushing the hips forward. In addition, the rider should keep their feet parallel to the ground and use a low gear to maintain a higher cadence.

Recent studies have shown that achieving the ideal TT position can reduce a cyclist's drag coefficient by up to 20%. This can result in a time savings of up to 6% in a 40km time trial. It is therefore essential for any cyclist competing in time trials to practice and perfect their TT position.

The Origin of the Term 'Ideal TT Position' in Cycling

The term 'ideal TT position' was first used in the early 1970s by professional cyclists in Europe. The origin of the term lies in the need for cyclists to adopt a streamlined aerodynamic body position while riding a time trial (TT). This position helps to reduce air resistance and improve power output, ultimately resulting in faster times.

The term was first used to describe the specific body position adopted by the cyclists: arms low and tucked in, head low and chin tucked in, and legs pushing down on the pedals. This position was found to be the most efficient in terms of aerodynamic drag, and it quickly became the standard TT position for cyclists.

The term 'ideal TT position' has been used ever since, and it is still used today by professional cyclists all over the world. The position has been refined over the years as technology and equipment have improved, but the core principles are still the same.

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