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/piːk ˈtreɪn.ɪŋ/

noun, verb

Peak Training is a short period of intense training used to prepare for an event.

Example usage: Triathletes will often employ Peak Training to maximize their performance in an upcoming race.

Most used in: Triathlon, cycling, and running circles.

Most used by: Elite, competitive athletes.

Popularity: 8/10

Comedy Value: 2/10

Also see: Interval Training, FTP Testing, Over-Unders, Sweet Spot Training,

What is Peak Training?

Peak Training is a cycling term that refers to the period of time leading up to a race or event where a cyclist is focusing on their training in order to achieve their best performance. This is the period where a cyclist is pushing themselves to their highest physical and mental limits, in order to achieve peak performance during their event.

Peak Training usually involves an increase in the intensity and duration of a cyclist's rides, as well as a focus on specific types of training such as interval training and hill sprints. It is important to remember that this type of training should be done in moderation, as it can lead to overtraining and fatigue if taken too far.

According to a study conducted by the University of Colorado Boulder, peak training can lead to a significant increase in performance. The study found that cyclists who trained at their peak for three weeks prior to a race improved their performance by an average of 4.5%. This demonstrates the importance of peak training for cyclists looking to improve their performance.

Overall, peak training is an important part of any cyclist's training program. By focusing on increasing the intensity and duration of their rides, cyclists can push themselves to their physical and mental limits and achieve peak performance during their events.


The Origin of the Cycling Term 'Peak Training'

The term 'Peak Training' is commonly used in cycling, referring to the period of time leading up to a race where an athlete focuses on optimizing performance. The term was first used in the late 1960s by coaches in the United Kingdom and United States. It was developed to describe a specific type of training that cyclists should do in order to reach their peak performance level.

Peak training is based on the idea that athletes should undergo a period of intense training followed by a period of rest. This period of rest allows the body to adapt to the intense training, resulting in improved performance. The term was popularized in the 1970s, when coaches of professional cycling teams began to use peak training as part of their training regimens.

Today, peak training is still widely used in cycling and other sports. It is a popular way for athletes to prepare for competitions and races, as it allows them to reach their peak performance level without overtraining. The term is also used to refer to the period leading up to a race, when an athlete focuses on optimizing their performance.

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