Welcome to the world of triathletes! If you've ever been around a group of cyclists, you know they can be a bit...unique. If you're looking to understand their strange lingo, you've come to the right place. We're here to explore the unique slang used by triathletes and find out what all the fuss is about. So strap in and get ready for a wild ride--you're about to learn some seriously weird cycling words!
Brick Workout
A 'Brick Workout' is a type of training commonly used by triathlon cyclists. It involves performing two disciplines of the triathlon back-to-back in succession, usually cycling and running. It's a great way to train for a multi-sport event as it simulates the feeling of exhaustion that you experience during a race. It's also a great way to keep your training interesting and to make sure you don't get bored of the same old routine!
Read more about the term 'Brick Workout' including its origins
Drafting is a cycling technique used by triathlon cyclists in which they tuck themselves behind another cyclist in order to reduce the amount of wind resistance they face, allowing them to conserve energy and ride faster. It's kind of like having a personal wind tunnel in your pocket!
Read more about the term 'Drafting' including its origins
Drop the Hammer
Drop the Hammer is a cycling term used by triathlon cyclists to describe a cyclist's last-ditch effort to cross the finish line first. It involves the cyclist putting all their power and strength into a final sprint, and then literally dropping the metaphorical hammer on the competition in order to win the race. It's a phrase that is sure to bring a smile to any cyclist's face, as it is a sign of their hard work and determination paying off.
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Gnarly is a term used by triathlon cyclists to describe a particularly challenging cycling course. It usually refers to a course with steep climbs, sharp turns, and plenty of obstacles, such as rocks and roots. It's a term of endearment, as these courses often require a great deal of skill and determination to conquer. To complete a gnarly course is a badge of honor among triathletes, and the stories they tell of their rides are often as thrilling as they are amusing.
Read more about the term 'Gnarly' including its origins
Moto is a term used by triathlon cyclists to describe a situation when a cyclist is so fast that they look like they are being chased by a motorcycle! It's a fun way to describe a cyclist who is pushing the limits of speed, and is sure to bring a smile to any triathlete's face.
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Pain Cave
The 'Pain Cave' is a term used by triathlon cyclists to describe the intense physical and mental strain experienced during a race. It's a place where cyclists push themselves to their limits, often leaving them feeling exhausted, frustrated, and in a lot of pain. Fortunately, the reward for this hard work is usually a strong sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
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PR (Personal Record)
A PR (Personal Record) for triathlon cyclists is the ultimate goal - it's the fastest time they can possibly achieve on any given course, and it's the bragging rights they can use to show off to all their friends and competitors. It's the cycling equivalent of 'beating your own high score' - except it's out on the open road and there's no cheat codes!
Read more about the term 'PR (Personal Record)' including its origins
Run Leg
Run leg is the final stage of a triathlon race. It's the most dreaded part of the race, as it's the one that determines the winner. After all of the swimming and cycling, the athletes must run to the finish line, and the one who crosses it first is the champion. It's the leg of the race that can make or break a triathlete's dream of victory, so it's no wonder that it's the most amusing to watch!
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Swim Leg
A Swim Leg is a term used by Triathlon cyclists to describe the portion of their race that involves swimming across a body of water. It's an amusing term because it implies that cyclists can actually swim, when in reality most of them just flail around wildly in the water like a drowning cat.
Read more about the term 'Swim Leg' including its origins

T1 and T2 (Transitions)
T1 and T2, also known as Transitions, are the two points in a triathlon where a cyclist must switch from one activity to another. It’s often referred to as the “moment of truth”, as it can make or break a cyclist’s race. The transition from swimming to cycling is known as T1, and from cycling to running is known as T2. It’s a tricky feat, as it requires athletes to quickly change from one activity to another without losing any time. But with practice and dedication, triathlon cyclists can master the art of T1 and T2 transitions!
Read more about the term 'T1 and T2 (Transitions)' including its origins